Beyond Classifieds – YouChoose A Practical Solution For The Pets and Livestock Industry

In the dynamic landscape of the pets and livestock industry, a need for innovation is evident. 

As it stands the industry operates largely within fragmented silos and cumbersome processes. This seriously limits breeding knowledge and techniques. Leading to reduced animal potential, and major characteristic defects that shorten the animal’s life and increase vet bills. 

Connections and diversity in animal breeding matter more than EVER. 

Breeders deserve a platform tailored to their needs. 

Recognising the need, YouChoose steps forward as an Australian-built and owned app, developed by breeders for breeders and buyers alike. 

Hi, I’m Jeremy, the visionary creator of YouChoose. I bring a wealth of experience as a seasoned cattle farmer and dedicated animal breeder. 

Growing up I was surrounded by a myriad of farm animals, including cattle and horses, which instilled my profound connection to the world of animals. 

My lifelong commitment to the well-being and improvement of animals has found its voice in the creation of YouChoose. As a breeder deeply rooted in the industry, I’ve translated my hands-on experience into a platform designed explicitly for breeders like you. 

My passion for animals guides every aspect of YouChoose, making it a practical and user-friendly solution that aligns with the subtleties of the industry. 

The pets and livestock industry stands at the threshold of transformation and YouChoose has a singular focus on simplifying the processes and connections.  

It goes beyond the traditional boundaries of classifieds, providing a central directory that caters to the diverse needs of breeders, trainers, farmers, enthusiasts and more.  

Let’s explore the multifaceted nature of the pets and livestock industry and animal breeding.

The Cat

The Fragmented Landscape of Animal Breeding

Breeders operate in isolated pockets, relying on outdated methods of communication and business administration. Central registries also play a big part in the Pet and Livestock industry. And while they offer advantages, there are also some drawbacks. 

Word of mouth, phone contacts, and small circles of breeders for collaboration form the backbone of most breeder networks, with online platforms that fall short of addressing the industry’s unique nuances like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. 

Valuable connections and information are dispersed, hindering the industry’s progress.

The scattered nature of information and connections makes it challenging for breeders to unlock the industry’s full potential. 

Over time the splintered landscape has persisted, creating hurdles in the exchange of knowledge and animal genetics. As we delve into this discussion, we’d like to note that these challenges are a result of the existing scenario rather than placing blame on any particular entity. 

It’s more an industry that has grown with little innovation – until now. 

Regarding the potential downsides of a central registry, a standardised approach may not fully accommodate the diversity of methods employed by breeders. 

While central registries certainly have a place. The risk of exclusivity and stifled innovation could emerge if a one-size-fits-all model is encouraged. 

Also, an overemphasis on popularity may overshadow the unique contributions of various breeders, potentially leading to resistance to change. 

Let’s now look at how the power of YouChoose lies in its role as a central directory.

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The Power of a Central Pet and Livestock Directory 

YouChoose leverages the power of a central directory and complements the limitations of a central registry. 

A purpose-built central directory significantly enhances the experience for both breeders and buyers. 

A registry’s purpose is to record information, the central directory on the other hand acts as a hub, connecting breeders and buyers seamlessly. By streamlining the process, YouChoose is a valuable tool in the hands of those seeking to explore, discover, and engage in the realm of pets and livestock.

If a breeder is a member of a registry they can add all this information to their profile and more. 

The platform’s user-centric approach positions it as a practical and efficient solution for the industry.

It has been crafted with the awareness that its users may not be tech-savvy, especially in the farming and breeding domains. Their area of expertise lies in animal breeding and rearing. 

YouChoose promises an intuitive experience, eliminating tech headaches and ensuring an easy journey for everyone involved. 

The Goats

The overall goal of YouChoose is to establish a transparent animal network, connecting breeders with buyers, and vice versa. It functions as a central directory that supplements existing one’s channels and records. 

YouChoose has the potential to unlock an abundance of possibilities for breeders, buyers and animal evolution. 

It gives power back to the buyers. 

YouChoose – More Than Just an App

YouChoose goes beyond the conventional definition of an app – It’s a versatile breeding platform. 

The beauty lies in its ability to consolidate the chaos of breeding information scattered across various channels. By seamlessly integrating your existing channels—be it phone contacts, email lists, websites, or Facebook pages—YouChoose simplifies the process for breeders. 

No need to invest time and resources in building a separate website. A comprehensive YouChoose profile takes minutes and is all that’s needed. 

The Horses

Building Bridges – Networking with Like-Minded Breeders

In the intricate world of pet and livestock breeding, fostering connections among breeders is integral to unlocking the full potential of animal breeding and the industry. 

The industry has, in some ways, lost its way by overemphasising paperwork like pedigree papers. While papers are important, they are a piece in a much bigger system of influential parts. 

Diversity in breeding is not merely a notion but a crucial aspect that contributes to the creation of desirable characteristics and the elimination of undesirable traits. 

Take, for instance, the importance of balanced diversity in selective breeding, which helps breed out unfavourable characteristics like restricted breathing ability in Pugs and Frenchies. 

100 years ago both of these breeds had longer and rounder snouts. Their original genetic makeup didn’t include the flattened face and bulging eyes. This defect causes the breeds to suffer major breathing and sinus issues. 

Somewhere along the lines effective breeding knowledge and education have become restricted – impacting the genetic pool of animal breeding outcomes. 

‘’Breeder-to-breeder networking and exchange of knowledge is key to building a robust and quality animal gene pool.’’ 

YouChoose recognises the significance of breeder-to-breeder connections and has simplified the process through its user-friendly profile and in-app chat feature. Building a profile on YouChoose is **easy** and opens doors to a large network of breeders from all corners of Australia. 

Not to mention it’s FREE to download, build a profile and start connecting. You pay based on the sales you process through the app. It costs you nothing to start networking with breeders! 

The platform has been crafted to accommodate the varied and distinct nature of breeding, ranging from big players to small-scale enthusiasts—tens of thousands of them across the country. 

‘’YouChoose is a Pet and Livestock Directory, where breeders connect, share knowledge and thrive together.’’

The Evolution of Animal Breeding

YouChoose stands as a guiding light for tomorrow’s breeding techniques and knowledge base.  

It offers breeders and enthusiasts a platform that transcends conventional boundaries. With its emphasis on collaboration, networking, and a purpose-built approach, YouChoose is set up to reshape the dynamics of animal breeding. 

The amalgamation of existing channels and records into a streamlined, easy-to-navigate profile provides an unparalleled experience for breeders, while the central directory connects a diverse network of enthusiasts. 

YouChoose stands as a catalyst for positive change. 

Let’s reinvent the future of animal breeding —where practicality meets innovation, and the extraordinary becomes the new norm.